
‘Gulp’ a Dataset

The gulpio package has been designed to be infinitely hackable and to support arbitrary datasets. To this end, we are providing a so-called adapter pattern. Specifically there exists an abstract class in gulpio.adapters: the AbstractDatasetAdapter. In order to ingest your dataset, you basically need to implement your own custom adapter that inherits from this.

You should be able to get going quickly by looking at the following examples, that we use internally to gulp our video datasets.

And an example invocation would be:

gulp2_20bn_json_videos videos.json input_dir output_dir

Additionally, if you would like to ingest your dataset from the command line, the register_adapter script can be used to generate the command line interface for the new adapter. Write your adapter that inherits from the AbstractDatasetAdapter in the file, then simply call:

gulp2_register_adapter gulpio.adapters <NewAdapterClassName>

The script that provides the command line interface will be in the main directory of the repository. To use it, execute ./new_adapter_class_name.

Sanity check the ‘Gulped’ Files

A very basic test to check the correctness of the gulped files is provided by the gulp2_sanity_check script. For execution run:

gulp2_sanity_check <folder containing the gulped files>

It tests:

  • The presence of any content in the .gulp and .gmeta-files

  • The file size of the .gulp file corresponds to the required file size that is given in the .gmeta file

  • Duplicate appearances of any video-ids

The file names of the files where any test fails will be printed. Currently no script to fix possible errors is provided, ‘regulping’ is the only solution.

Read a ‘Gulped’ Dataset

In order to read from the gulps, you can let yourself be inspired by the following snippet:

from gulpio2 import GulpDirectory
# You can either read greyscale (`colorspace="GRAY"`) or RGB (`colorspace="RGB"`)
# images.
gulp_directory = GulpDirectory('/tmp/something_something_gulps')
# iterate over all chunks
for chunk in gulp_directory:
    # for each 'video' get the metadata and all frames
    for frames, meta in chunk:
        # do something with the metadata
        for i, f in enumerate(frames):
            # do something with the frames

Alternatively, a video with a specific id can be directly accessed via:

from gulpio2 import GulpDirectory
gulp_directory = GulpDirectory('/tmp/something_something_gulps')
frames, meta = gulp_directory[<id>]

For down-sampling or loading only a part of a video, a python slice or list of indices can be passed as well:

frames, meta = gulp_directory[<id>, slice(1,10,2)]

frames, meta = gulp_directory[<id>, [1, 5, 6, 8]]


frames, meta = gulp_directory[<id>, 1:10:2]

Loading Data

Below is an example loading an image dataset and defining an augmentation pipeline using torchvision. Transformations are applied to each instance on the fly.

from import DataLoader
from torchvision.transforms import Scale, CenterCrop, Compose, Normalize

class GulpImageDataset:
    def __init__(self, gulp_dir: GulpDirectory, transform=None):
        self.gulp_dir = gulp_dir
        self.transform = transform if transform is not None else lambda x: x
        self.example_ids = list(gulp_dir.merged_meta_dict.keys())

    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        if isinstance(idx, int):
            example_id = self.example_ids[idx]
            example_id = idx
        imgs, meta = self.gulp_dir[example_id]
        return self.transform(imgs[0]), meta

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.gulp_dir.merged_meta_dict)

# define data augmentations. Notice that there are different functions for videos and images
transform = Compose([
    Normalize((0.485, 0.456, 0.406), (0.229, 0.224, 0.225)),

# define dataset wrapper and pick this up by the data loader interface.
dataset = GulpImageDataset(GulpDirectory('/path/to/train_data'), transform=transforms)
loader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=256, shuffle=True, num_workers=0, drop_last=True)

dataset_val = GulpImageDataset(GulpDirectory('/path/to/validation_data/'), transform=transforms)
loader_val = DataLoader(dataset_val, batch_size=256, shuffle=False, num_workers=0, drop_last=True)

Here we iterate through the dataset we loaded. Iterator returns data and label as numpy arrays. You might need to cast these into the format of you deep learning library.

for data, label in loader:
    # train your model here
    # ...